Film Poster Analysis

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\2334.jpg

What do you think the film is about and what might the

storyline be? A movie about a man who has to fight against some sort of robot as in the corner we can see a tag line that says "man has made his its his problem" which could be referring to humans making robots which are now turning against them.

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

I believe it's a hybrid genre between action and sci-fi due to the stars in the background, which could indicate a space theme, and the gun in his hand alludes to action as he seems to be looking at something ready to fight which is also action code as we don't know what he's looking at  

Who do you think is the target audience?

I believe the target audience is younger adults and possibly teenagers because it seems to be an action-packed movie from the gun in the poster, which is usually targeted at a younger audience.

What do you think the film is about and what might the

storyline be?

I think the film is about a group of people who are hunted and killed. In the background, we can see 2 monster-like characters, and the 4 in the front seem to be afraid of something, which is also an example of the enigma code, as we don't know what they're afraid of.

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

I believe its a horror comedy hybrid genre as in the tagline at the top we can see that the movie is described as being "absolutely hilarious" which fits a comedy theme but the characters are ore suited to a horror theme.

Who do you think is the target audience?

I believe the target audience is young adults as we can see that this a parody of horror  which is described as "shameless" meaning its not likely to be for children.

What do you think the film is about and what might the

storyline be?

I think the film is about a man who's going through a tough time in life and his sadness. In the poster, his character is dark (like a silhouette), and the background is dark and gloomy.

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

    I believe it's a drama film, as the movie seems more sad and serious.

Who do you think is the target audience?

I believe the target audience is slightly older as the film relates to them more as they have been through the struggles of life.

What do you think the film is about and what might the

storyline be?

I believe the movie could be about some sort of crime as we can see a boy looking down into what i believe to be a grave or some sort of pit with a worried look on his face which is an example of enigma code as we dont know what he sees in this hole in the ground.

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

The tag line tells us that its a horror thriller.

Who do you think is the target audience?

I believe the target audience is younger people as they are more likely to enjoy the scary/horror aspect of the film.

What do you think the film is about and what might the

storyline be?

I believe the film is about criminals as the name includes the word "sin" which could be alluding to their crimes and sinful lifestyles which is also backed up by their clothing and the weapon props in their hands.

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

I believe its an action movie as we can see the characters are holding wepons and look ready to fight which is an example of action code.

Who do you think is the target audience?

I believe the target audience is slightly older/middle-aged men, as the main character is an older man who seems to have a lot of power, which older men will try to relate to.

What do you think the film is about and what might the

storyline be?

I believe the movie is about a pirate who is searching for treasure because in the tagine under the main title it says "dead mans chest"

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

I believe its an action movie as we can see the character holding a gun but its also an adventure movie and somewhat a fantasy movie as in the bottom we can see a sea monster fighting a ship. Therefore its a hybrid of these genres.

Who do you think is the target audience?

Teens/children as it seems to include monsters, adventure and treasure.

What do you think the film is about and what might the

storyline be?

I believe it's a movie about a wedding and the struggles of trying to include 2 cultures, as we can see in the background, the different people and families of the groom and bride.

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

I believe its a romantic comedy as the critics comment describes it as being "spectacular,romantic,funny and so sexy"

Who do you think is the target audience?

I believe the target audience is people who are in relationships with someone from another country as they can relate to the movie, which will make it funnier and more enjoyable to them.

What do you think the film is about and what might the

storyline be?

I believe it is a film about a female fighter who has great talent and is capable of making a well-paid career out of her sport, as the title refers to her as a "million dollar baby", possibly meaning she was born with a talent that will make her successful .

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

I believe its a sports film as the main character is in sports attire.

Who do you think is the target audience?

I believe it's targeted at a female audience as it presents a strong female main character that they can relate to or look up to.


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