Mise-en-scene blog task

In this still image mise en scene is used to show the audience that the character is afraid of something through the use of facial expressions and make up. The room is dimly lit which connotes to something ominous being present or coming up, which is also an enigma code as we don’t know what she’s afraid of. This image uses lighting and a zoomed in shot through what seems to be a door/closet which makes it seem as if it’s taken from the pov of someone or something that’s looking at her, possibly the thing she’s afraid of. 



The first movie clip is from the movie ‘Halloween’ which is a horror movie. The second movie clip is from the movie “scary movie” which is a comedy/horror parody.
 In the movie halloween the mise en scene is used to create a dark and scary scene however in the movie scary movie, it’s used to make the movie more laughable than scary. 

In halloween, the scene is dark the entire time and this lack of lighting creates more fear and tension as the character seems to be more dangerous and evil. However, in a scary movie, the scene is brightly lit throughout and the killer is constantly within view of the main characters so there isn’t much tension as they’re not hiding and waiting for him to come and get them unlike in halloween. 

In halloween the characters  are visibly afraid and in pain which we can see from the actors expressions of anger and fear but in a scary movie the actors expressions are more exaggerated and we see the actors fly up in the sky as they fight the killer and start dancing which further emphasises how this is comedic and not scary. The actors in a scary movie are also clearly exaggerating such as when the man is stabbed he falls into a sexual position with the other male character which was clearly done for comedic purposes.   

The makeup in halloween isn’t as visible and the actors have minimal makeup other than the blood which is very similar in a scary movie however the blood in halloween is more realistic and the blood in a scary movie is less realistic.

The weapon props used in halloween are items that look realistic and the killer finds them around the house whereas the killer in a scary movie has prop looking weapons which don’t look as real/scary and he seems to get these weapons out of nowhere rather than finding them in the house and using them which is more of a realistic situation for a killer in a horror movie.

The sounds in halloween are only played when there are jump scares or during fight scenes and the sounds played are used to create tension and fear whereas the sounds in a scary movie are used to make the movie funnier through the use of music such as when the killer started dancing but there was also similar music to that which was used in halloween during the bit where the killer chases one of the characters so that also tells us that it’s partially a  horror movie. 



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