
Showing posts from September, 2024

Mise-en-scene blog task

In this still image mise en scene is used to show the audience that the character is afraid of something through the use of facial expressions and make up. The room is dimly lit which connotes to something ominous being present or coming up, which is also an enigma code as we don’t know what she’s afraid of. This image uses lighting and a zoomed in shot through what seems to be a door/closet which makes it seem as if it’s taken from the pov of someone or something that’s looking at her, possibly the thing she’s afraid of.        The first movie clip is from the movie ‘Halloween’ which is a horror movie. The second movie clip is from the movie “scary movie” which is a comedy/horror parody.  In the movie halloween the mise en scene is used to create a dark and scary scene however in the movie scary movie, it’s used to make the movie more laughable than scary.  In halloween, the scene is dark the entire time and this lack of lighting creates more fear and tension as the character seem

Media Awards

 My favourite production was the hitman inspired production. I believe they accurately recreated the films through their use of wide shots throughout the production which can be seen in the real movies. Their use of mise en scene also made a great impact on the effectiveness of the film as they used costumes which lined up with their respective character such as the iconic red tie and black suit which was worn by the main character in the film. They also utilised voice over narration which was an important part of the movies as it provides context for a character which rarely speaks.  My second favourite production has to be the production in which a girl is kidnapped and the kidnapper has to deal with the guilt of their crimes. They used editing to make the girl appear and disappear which shows that the kidnapper was imagining her and almost being haunted by the thought of her and what she’s done to her. They also used props such as missing posters which they constantly had to walk pa

Film Poster Analysis

What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be? A movie about a man who has to fight against some sort of robot as in the corner we can see a tag line that says "man has made his its his problem" which could be referring to humans making robots which are now turning against them. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to? I believe it's a hybrid genre between action and sci-fi due to the stars in the background, which could indicate a space theme, and the gun in his hand alludes to action as he seems to be looking at something ready to fight which is also action code as we don't know what he's looking at   Who do you think is the target audience? I believe the target audience is younger adults and possibly teenagers because it seems to be an action-packed movie from the gun in the poster, which is usually targeted at a younger audience. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be? I think the film i